
We start off w/ PySimpleGUI.

WebSite + Docs: PySimpleGUI
  GitHub | PyPI
Install: here and here.

There is no mention of the provided locally. Not sure if it's unmaintained or what. But we get an error when attempting to run it, a char decode error. I think it should be decoding UTF-8. I'll look into it at a later date.

	Traceback (most recent call last):
	  File "C:\FOS\PySimpleGUI\", line 17, in 
	  File "C:\FOS\PySimpleGUI\", line 6, in readme
	  File "C:\Python3\lib\encodings\", line 23, in decode
		return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_table)[0]
	UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 5445: character maps to 

So we install it using pip!

	C:\>pip install PySimpleGUI
	Collecting PySimpleGUI
	  Downloading PySimpleGUI-4.60.4-py3-none-any.whl (509 kB)
		 ---------------------------------------- 510.0/510.0 kB 3.2 MB/s eta 0:00:00
	Installing collected packages: PySimpleGUI
	Successfully installed PySimpleGUI-4.60.4

Since does NOT do the job of installing the latest dev version the final step is to locate the dev version from the repo:


and copy it over the installed version:


Now you can test it using the latest dev version:

	Python 3.10.1 (tags/v3.10.1:2cd268a, Dec  6 2021, 19:10:37) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
	Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
	>>> import PySimpleGUI as PSG
	>>> PSG.version
	' Unreleased'
	>>> PSG.popup_no_buttons('Hello World')
	>>> quit()

Play around w/ the Demo's and Examples

	C:\Jar>cd C:\FOS\PySimpleGUI\DemoPrograms

Shows 3 different ways to create a Hello World window. SO you must close it three times to get out of it! (I thought that was a bug untill I looked at the code!

Summary: If you do any Python programming then PySimpleGUI is definitely worth the learning curve! It's easy to pick-up after reading some docs and looking at examples.

For quick and dirty data-entry or as a front-end to a custom script, it's fast and efficient.

There is a lot of documentation and a lot of examples! Kudos for that. I'll come back and opine on how current they are after I've played with it some more. I'll be using it to create examples programs on this site. And will offer custom database apps using it as part of my services.